As a client of the firm, you know that owning your intellectual property is the only way you can truly own that asset-ie, the only way it can’t be ripped away. (If you’re reading this and haven’t trademarked with us, click here).
Securing registration is the first step in your business’ ongoing intellectual property plan, but it’s just that- the first step in an ongoing plan. Maintaining those rights are as critical as obtaining those rights in the first place.
Protect your ip today
It was critically important to us that you were able to secure your registration in the first place, we want to do everything in our power to help you avoid being one of the statistics of lost trademarks we see. This is a service we have privately provided for a very select number of businesses in the past, and have quietly been working over the past year to extend to our clients.
You’ve likely hired an accountant to make sure your business has filed taxes appropriately - because it's not your job to learn the entire tax code yourself. In the same way, it's not your job to learn how to legally protect your intellectual property yourself. With our Property Council Service we provide you policing of your trademarks and your competitors infringements on your trademarks. In the event of an infringement we will have preserved enough evidence for you to satisfy Section 8 & Section 15 filings, and submit those filings for you.
In short, the more the mark becomes diluted, the faster the registration will be lost.
One of the most common misconceptions about intellectual property is that once you obtain it, you own it forever. This is completely false.
Trademark protection is an ongoing endeavor. According to the USPTO, “[y]ou are responsible for enforcing your rights if you receive a registration, because the USPTO does not “police” the use of marks. While the USPTO attempts to ensure that no other party receives a federal registration for an identical or similar mark for or as applied to related goods/services, the owner of a registration is responsible for bringing any legal action to stop a party from using an infringing mark.”
The subtext: if another company gets a similar mark through the system that even rhymes with or looks like yours, that company can turn around and use their newly-acquired rights against you. This can look like a lengthy legal battle, or flat-out forcing you to stop using the trademark.
Client "John Doe" learned this the hard way. After we wrapped up registering his logo, his attention (rightfully) turned to building his business.
Unbeknownst to JD, one of the largest companies in his industry registered a mark that was just close enough to be similar to JD’s. Because he had registered the trademark for the logo, he ignored it. As soon as they received the registration, they sent a cease and desist. He ended up in a completely avoidable 5 figure scenario requiring attorneys in three states to attempt to fight off the dispute, losing the registration, and had to take all apparel (sold wholesale across the country) off the market. He also had to hire a designer to create a new logo, and re-produce all of the apparel.
In this 90 minute session, Paige Hulse will perform a comprehensive review of your business’ legal health/wellbeing/status, analyzing any legal loopholes your business may have, answering any questions you may have, and providing an analytical framework mapping out the steps you will need to take in the future. This intensive is designed to provide a comprehensive review of your business’ legalities, issue spot any legal loopholes, and provide answers to questions you may not even realize you have!
You won’t know how to build a succession plan, if you have the right corporate structure.
Takes 4-6 weeks to get appointment with Paige. The 90-Minute Roadmap is $850.
We monitor all of your trademarks 24/7 online and on social media. If we find an infringement, we immediately asses if action is appropriate, what action to take, and present you with an action plan. We will implement your approved action plan at a 15% discount.
First, you have to discern what constitutes “policing” your trademarks. That is an incredibly delicate line to draw- you do not want the potential infringer to be able execute a defamation campaign against you (we see this more often than not). After self-determining that line, you then have to monitor your own trademarks and contact us if you see an infringement. It will take 2-6 weeks to get on a call, and then assess what action is appropriate (if options are available), and then implement said plan on an hourly basis, billed in tenths of an hour.
As an active client, you don’t have to go through the ethically-mandated onboarding experience before we can help you. We create an action plan and immediately implement at a 15% discount. Quick access to my private (free) client calendar link to discuss your options - prioritized, no wait list. Fast action/solution executed.
You’ll need to be onboarded as a client which can take 4-6 weeks; costs typically begin at $500. We’ll then review your cease and desist and create an action plan and you’ll be billed at our standard rates to implement your approved action plan.
Automatic quarterly review of your website and all of your published offerings performed quarterly. We’ll provide you an audit with an action plan for direct implementation (generally $500).
Odds are, you only realize your work has been ripped off after the fact; typically, it’s too late. (For example, infringements can’t be enforced until you have a registration in hand). Action taken too late requires a federal court case, which typically takes appx. A year, and usually costs around $50,000.
Every year we’ll run a full search on each domain name you own. If we find a cyber squatter or someone using a variation too close to your domain, we’ll notify you. If approved, we will send out requisite takedown letters (cease and desist, DMCA, or UDRP via ICANN) on your behalf at a 15% discount (generally $350).
People can purchase domain names that are 1 or 2 letters off from yours and create confusing redirects which steal your website traffic. In this case, you would need to get onboarded with our firm for $500, then we would issue an UDRP (or other requisite form), which starts at $1,500; typically with a 14 day waiting period before beginning.
Unavailable to non-members.
Cease and desist templates for use yourself.
The majority of entrepreneurs I meet have one thing in common: their passion led them into a business. Now, they just need guidance to transform their business in its current existence to one of endurance, capable of leaving a legacy.
Like most business owners, I know what it feels like to risk everything to build a business from nothing. I know what it feels like to have to get my own trademark to protect myself from infringers; to have to put strategic growth plans in place to provide for my family when the unknown occurred. This is why my passion is not just helping my clients achieve success, but find confidence in the legalities of their business, so that they create something lasting.
Raised by a family of multi-generational entrepreneurs, I’ve seen firsthand the difference between legal counsel, and true advocacy in a business. The former helps you get to, and maybe through the starting point. The latter is why I was able to grow up watching my entrepreneurial parents never miss a family dinner, and never allowing the risks of legal “what ifs” infiltrate our family conversations.
Instead, I grew up knowing that my parents maybe made the “risky” choice in choosing to be entrepreneurs, but that they took on that gamble knowingly, because in the words of my dad, he was never going to choose to let his companies put our family at risk. He couldn’t control the legal challenges that would pop up at times, but he could make sure he had the strongest line of protection in place to help him grow, scale, and fight for those companies. Those attorneys are mentors to this day.
When I started my firm, I thought that emulating that role meant being the one -stop-shop for any entrepreneur. Formations, partnership agreements, litigation, mergers and acquisitions, that was true advocacy. And it was, to a point. Until it wasn’t.
In 2020, I watched large corporations intentionally prey on small businesses, primarily by weaponizing intellectual property. Every single case I saw was avoidable. One in particular irrevocably changed the course of my legal career. A husband and wife duo in the midst of scaling their business to provide for their growing family decided to create a new offering. A Fortune 50 company caught wind, and sent her a “very friendly” cease and desist letter (yep, these exist, and are usually a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” approach. But how would you actually know?). They tried to handle it on their own; they had just received their trademark registration, after all!
Through this seemingly friendly correspondence, the law firm on the other side got the real story out of my client: they were branching into this new field to combat the rising costs of their *almost finalized* adoption. At the 11th hour, the law firm dropped the hammer, and by the time I received a tearful phone call, the client had to completely rebrand both of their businesses. Overnight, a half a decade’s worth of building a brand reputation vanished overnight.
In that moment, I knew that if they had had an outside intellectual property advocate, this all could have been avoided 10 months prior, with the receipt of that first letter.
Intellectual property is the undercurrent of every business; often overlooked until a reputation is attacked, a business is scaling to the next level, or selling. It’s the easiest target for adversaries; while simultaneously the easiest strategic roadmap to build for a business. It’s the Achilles heel of every business, and the focus of my advocacy for my clients.
I don’t just say I’m passionate about helping business owners navigate the often-intimidating world of building not just building a sound foundation for their business, but leveraging what they’ve built for strategic growth tomorrow. I walk it out alongside my clients, because I’m in the exact same boat, which provides quite the strategic vantage point.
Formerly reserved for a handful of clients, I’m thrilled to now extend this offer of our outside intellectual property counsel services to more of my client base. It’s not your job to figure out how to police your IP (or what that even means); nor is it your job to keep your own constant eagle eye on the advocacy your business requires to grow.
If we detect an infringement, our team will immediately assess the situation and determine the most appropriate course of action. We will then present you with a comprehensive action plan. This typically saves clients at least 3-5 days of back-and-forth-correspondence.
What happens if an infringement is detected?
The benefits of having an in-house counsel, without the paycheck of staff. Our package includes a 90-minute intensive assessment call with Paige Hulse, policing of your trademarks and copyrights, a full audit of your website and intellectual property, and assistance with infringement matters. Our team is watching over your business, without you having to mess with the details.
What does the Outside General Counsel Service include?
We use advanced technology to continuously monitor the internet and social media platforms for any potential infringement of your trademarks.
How does the 24/7 trademark monitoring work?
The package includes a 90-minute counsel call with Paige Hulse, which will include debrief documentation. Any further legal services (such as negotiating cease and desist) must ethically be considered separate matters.
Is the cost of hiring an attorney included in the package?
As part of our service, we conduct a thorough audit of your website and all your published offerings on a quarterly basis, flagging what needs protection, and what poses a risk to your brand.
How often is my website and intellectual property audited?
The full search involves checking each of your domain names against existing trademarks and registered domains to flag potential infringements.
What does the full search on each domain name involve?
No, there isn't a long-term contract. We believe in the value of our services and want you to stay with us because you're happy with what we offer, not because you're tied into a long-term agreement.
Is there a long-term contract?
Our package can accommodate multiple trademarks. Please contact us for a customized quote if you have more than three trademarks.
What if I have multiple trademarks?
Yes, you can cancel at any time. However, please note that we do not offer refunds for any unused portion of your subscription.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us at Our team is always happy to assist you.
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
This website is solely intended for the purpose of attorney advertising, and for general information purposes only. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, in no way establishes an attorney-client relationship. An attorney client relationship is only formed when you have hired me individually and signed an engagement agreement. No past results serve in any way as a guarantee of future results.