It’s a given that your business isn’t going anywhere if it isn’t legal- but our clients don’t need to be told that. We work with the entrepreneurs who are ready to take their business to the next level- not just to a place of security, but who seek us out to create strategic growth for the future.  

We believe in equipping entrepreneurs at every stage of owning a business- from formation, to duration, to creating a strategic future. 

The majority of entrepreneurs I meet have one thing in common: their passion led them into a business. Now, they just need guidance to transform their business in its current existence to one of endurance, capable of leaving a legacy. 

Since starting my firm, I’ve helped magazine editors launch, produce, and sell out of magazines; helped high-end wedding professionals land advertisement deals, and navigate difficult negotiations; conducted corporate restructurings so that the business can continue for the next generations; helped multiple business owners obtain trademark registrations, so that their brand continues into perpetuity; helped businesses create franchises out of what started as single-member LLCs, and helped young business owners form their first businesses.


The truth of the matter is, if you have enough passion, endurance, and grit, anyone can become an "entrepreneur". But in order to do so successfully, you just must ensure that the legal foundation of your business isn’t just sound today, but poised for growth tomorrow. Traditional law firms can't promise their clients 1:1 attention, typically farming the work out to an associate the client never even meets. This is the opposite of how I run my firm. I don't just develop personal relationships with my clients- I equip them with confidence when it comes to understanding their legalities of their business.

 I know from firsthand experience that strategically, time is of the essence in the trademark process. Therefore, the minute a client agreement is signed, my office moves fast, to secure your trademark as expediently as possible. 

we move fast